EdgeOS – Bootloader Güncelleme Nasil Yapilir ?

DIKKAT: Firmware versiyon  1.10.7 veya /üstü bir sürüm yüklü olmalidir. 

Bu komutlari   operational modda CLI uzerinde calistirin

Adim 1: Yüklü olan Bootloader versiyonunu bu komutla dogrulayin:

show system boot-image

Eger yeni bir bootlader güncellemesi varsa asagidaki gibi görünecektir:

The system currently has the following boot image installed:
Current boot version: UNKNOWN
Current boot md5sum : 6010759776febe62b1dac8f392acf764

New uboot version is available: boot_e300_001_3f6cf.tar.gz
New boot md5sum : 8c042ab18af687fbd69ee773d293bf6f
Run "add system boot-image" to upgrade boot image.

Eger EdgeRouter son firmware yüklü ise ve komuttan sonra yeni bir versiyon gorunmuyorsa güncellemenize gerek yoktur.


Adim 2: Komutu kullanarak yeni  bootloader versiyonunun kurulumunu yapin:

add system boot-image


Uboot version [UNKNOWN] is about to be replaced 
Warning: Don't turn off the power or reboot during the upgrade! 
Are you sure you want to replace old version? (Yes/No) [Yes]: yes 
Preparing to upgrade...Done 
Copying upgrade boot image...Done 
Checking boot version: Current is UNKNOWN; new is e300_001_3f6cf ...Done 
Checking upgrade image...Done 
Writing image...Done 
Upgrade boot completed

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