Raspberry Pi Wireless Access Point Yapilandirilmasi
How to use your Raspberry Pi as a wireless access point We’re going to get into the command line a bit here, but this project isn’t really all that difficult.…
How to use your Raspberry Pi as a wireless access point We’re going to get into the command line a bit here, but this project isn’t really all that difficult.…
Ubuntu 20.04: Wordpress ile Nginx kurulumu
Ilk olarak guncel host ismini goruntuleyelim. $ hostnamectl Bundan sonra sirasiyla Asagidaki komutu yazip, Eski ismi silin ve yenisini yazin 1 – sudo hostnamectl set-hostname newNameHere Daha sonra host dosyasini…
Raspbian Üzerinde Docker kurulumu
1. Enter configuration mode. ubnt@edgerouter:~$ configure 2. Save the configuration to a different local file. ubnt@edgerouter# save ? Possible completions: Save to system config file Save to file on local…
Buradaki senaryoda VPS uzerinde kurlu bir wireguard serverim var ve raspberryi client olarak ayarlayip WIFI ap uzerinden kullanicilarimizin internete cikmasini saglamak. Ilk olarak diepi kurulumunu yapin. dietpi icinde wireguardi client…
Kartinizi cikarmadan dietpi raspberry sisteminizi formatlamak cok kolay. 1. Yedeklerinizi alin 2. Bu komutu calistirin apt-get update; apt-get install -y systemd-sysv ca-certificates sudo wget locales –reinstall 3. ardindan bu komutu…
Portable Raspberry Pi Wireguard Tunnel REQUIREMENTS: Raspberry Pi with Raspbian installed. Minimal, working knowledge in Linux. Obtain a subscription from a Wireguard supported VPN provider. I recommend (Mullvad VPN). Obtain…